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You can find all of the content you need to promote your business, such as marketing and sales collateral articles

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The document management system stores helpful content and makes it available to our customers in a structured, organized way.
Manage ElectroNeek’s documents as you prefer, without requesting files or links to your Success Manager.

How it works:


Join the ElectroNeek platform
and obtain full access to our Wiki


Explore and manage our content
Mark and share your favorite documents


Use it on demand
Access our content easily whenever you need it

Why use WiKi?

Gain access to content you might use in a daily basis more quickly
To increase your knowledge with additional content

Want to know more

Who uses Wiki?
Wiki is recommended for everyone within the customer's organization who needs it to perform their daily tasks.
What kind of material will I find?
Our Wiki is formed by pages that can contain text, hyperlinks, and multimedia files attached, such as videos, images, pdfs, and more...