Yes, this is that article. There is no way to avoid the situation around the COVID-19 pandemic, and all our members of the ElectroNeek team (who have been working remotely from day one and keep doing so right now) hope that you are safe and healthy in your homes right now. Still, the show must go on, and even in times of uncertainty, there are several ways Robotic Process Automation (RPA) can help you keep your business running.
1. Achieve more with fewer resources
RPA enables you to reduce the employee time needed to perform stable, rule-based business processes. For instance, instead of manually entering the client’s data into an Excel Spreadsheet for a couple of hours, your employee can be focused on strategic and higher-value analytical tasks.
2. Become less dependent on individual employee circumstances
We cannot ignore the ‘human factor’ that is inevitably necessary to consider in daily work life. However, some assignments just have to be done fast and without any mistakes. RPA is a fast and flexible way to replicate employee-driven processes with a script. With RPA in your hands, you can delegate critical processes to automation and stop stressing out about its accuracy.
3. Compensate for the reduction of productivity
Of course, there are numerous resources, articles, and studies about the advantages of working from home. However, the massive transition from offices to home offices that people are facing all around the world is extraordinary and might be overwhelming, especially for people with families and kids.
While everyone is trying to get used to new schedules and circumstances, the work performance might be slightly different than usual, and you will notice a drop in your team’s productivity. Programmed robots are here to navigate these times with your employees, and they can support the speed of your typical workflow by managing routine, repetitive tasks while allowing people to have extra time to adapt.
4. Service more customers
This is not a drill. I repeat this is not a drill. During these unstable times, your business can expand its online presence, get new clients, and process more requests even without the need to hire new people. Your team will handle creative, analytical, and other tasks involving the necessity of human presence, while robots fill out online forms, recognize relevant information in the papers, automatically extract data from scanned documents using Optical Character Recognition (OCR), and cover other vital assignments.

5. Reduce operational costs
This is a critical factor for many businesses right now because the future for many of them is uncertain. Robotic Process Automation is a great tool to implement for cost reduction because by automating time-consuming front- and back-office business processes, you can afford to place the bright minds from your team directly in the cases where they can be the most useful right now. Let your team do more for your business by doing less of the tedious yet necessary tasks.
While most RPA vendors require extensive consulting resources to deploy, resulting in many enterprise automation projects being put on hold due to volatile market conditions, ElectroNeek’s simplicity and affordability drive faster adoption among companies that face unprecedented work-at-home situations. You can see it in action and start for free with ElectroNeek Community Edition.