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5 Powerful Healthcare Automation Use Cases for Your Clients

/ ~ 7 minutes read

As an MSP business owner or IT Service Provider, you know there are significant benefits to implementing automation in the healthcare industry.

According to Precedence Research, the global healthcare automation market is predicted to reach $91.6 billion by 2030, with a CAGR of 10.33% from 2022 to 2030.

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Deploying new technologies, such as robotic process automation, can significantly help your healthcare client improve operational processes while reducing costs, and grow your recurring revenue.

The Challenges in Healthcare

The healthcare industry has standards, protocols, rules, and compliance requirements that they must follow. These rules and regulations are the baselines for quality care, even if they aren’t directly related to the treatment itself but to business processes or data management. But that’s just a part of the challenge.

We asked Trumpet’s CEO, Ryan Detlaff what his perspective on the challenges of healthcare organizations. 

“We find that the healthcare industry struggles to find the number of staff they need to keep up with patient demands, regulations, payer demands, etc., let alone pursuing strategic projects,” explained Ryan Detlaff, who has been ElectorNeek MSP customer since 2021.

A common side-effect of strict healthcare regulations is that employees are responsible for tedious tasks, such as inputting patient data or moving it across several systems. These error-prone, mindless activities often lead to boredom and excess work for employees, resulting in burnout and increased turnover.

RPA is a technology that leverages software robots to execute high-volume repetitive tasks in a digital environment. 

Could automating tedious, error-prone tasks be a game-changing strategy for your clients in the healthcare space?

5 RPA Use Cases for your Healthcare Clients

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Powerful no-code RPA platforms offer solutions that solve data extraction and system integration issues. So, let’s look at the healthcare industry's five most in-demand RPA use cases.

  1. Streamline Patient Bookings: Automated Appointments scheduling

In many organizations, booking appointments with a doctor has become an online process.  However, processing these bookings often remains a manual task. Now, imagine hundreds of appointments booked for the next couple of weeks, some of which are already canceled or updated, and there’s only one administrator to handle all incoming requests. 

Appointment scheduling should be accurate regarding a match between an available doctor and a patient. If a doctor had to take a couple of days off for some reason, there’s an additional challenge for administrative staff with rescheduling the appointments planned on these days.

Deploy ElectroNeek RPA bots to manage your client’s patient appointment requests. 

The bots schedule, update, or cancel bookings, so your clients don’t have to worry about manually maintaining appointments!

Here is what to expect from the automated workflow:

  1. An ElectroNeek bot offers appointment slots to a patient according to their needs and the availability of a doctor.
  1. Once the patient has booked an appointment, the bot schedules it in the database and removes that appointment slot. 
  1. The bot also notifies the patient via email, confirming the appointment details.

2. Error-free Medical Billing: Automated Billing and Claims Processing

Medical billing, payments, and insurance claims processing are highly-repetitive workflows, making them perfect candidates for automation. Not only are they time-consuming if done manually, but they are also error-prone. Once errors find their way into the system, they can disrupt the flow of vital activities.

You can build and deploy a bot that automatically handles the invoicing processes in line with the services offered to your client’s customers. 

Here is what to expect from the automated workflow:

  1. An ElectroNeek RPA bot recognizes payment details using optical character recognition (OCR).
  1. The bot logs into the accounting system and inputs data into the relevant system’s fields, creating an invoice.
  1. Once the invoice is uploaded into the system, the bot emails the invoice to the patient.
  1. If there’s a delay in payment, the bot can also send a customized reminder to the patient and create a report on the reminders sent with the current payment status for a finance manager.

3. Timely Patient Communication: Automated Delivery of Aftercare Instructions

Patients must follow a post-medication and healthcare regimen when they are discharged after treatment. However, some patients can forget the details or miss the date when they need to do a specific procedure.

ElectroNeek RPA bots can streamline the delivery of discharge instructions by automatically emailing the client’s patient with the necessary information.

Here is what to expect from the automated workflow:

  1. According to the recovery plan, the ElectroNeek bot sends timely notifications to inform the patient of the schedule, appointments, and required tests. 

4. Safeguard Patient Data: Automated Audits and Report Generation

Audits are an inevitable routine in any healthcare organization to ensure safety and protect patients’ well-being. 

ElectroNeek RPA bots are helpful in data recording and report generation. 

Here is what to expect from the automated workflow:

  1. The ElectroNeek bot sends surveys and processes patient results.
  2. It automates audit evidence collection activities.
  3. ElectroNeek RPA bots Integrate data from multiple files and systems into a single report.
  4. Perform basic audit checks in spreadsheets.
  1.  Confidently Handle Mistake-free External Audits: Automated Compliance Checks

Besides the internal compliance requirements, healthcare providers face the criteria to handle external audits. Sometimes it may catch employees unaware.

RPA ensures that all process steps are tracked, re-traceable, strictly documented, and well-organized in structured logs.

Here is what to expect from the automated workflow:

  1. The ElectroNeek bot eliminates the time-consuming collecting and organization of large amounts of information.
  2. The bot conducts a pre-compliance check of internal audits to identify and report any non-compliant process errors.
  3. The RPA bot extracts the data from audit trails at any time.

ElectroNeek Recipes: RPA for MSPs’ focused on Healthcare 

ElectroNeek's Automation Hub offers recipes to empower you to deliver value to your clients quickly. 

Recipe tutorials help you hit the ground running to implement automation for clients to optimize essential processes that support quality patient care.

Recipe: How to Select Dynamic Website Content

Manual tasks in healthcare include data entry and appointment scheduling, which involves numerous website clicks and selections from third-party and internal websites. 

ElectroNeek’s recipe for selecting dynamic website content is a tutorial that empowers you to streamline your client’s appointment scheduling and data entry tasks quickly and easily. 

This short video tutorial will guide you through how to command the ElectroNeek bots to select specific content from a website, such as selecting dates and times or submitting forms. 

Interested in learning more about this recipe? 

Book a demo to learn how to scrape data from the web.


IT Service Providers Can Now Help More Organizations with Healthcare Automation

Helping your clients in the healthcare space implement automation of their routine tasks can raise productivity tenfold. 

With unlimited bots and no-bot licensing fees, ElectroNeek is the the only RPA platform for IT Service Providers.  Now is the time to leverage software bots for automating work of your clients.
Book a demo to discuss particular use cases and learn more about ElectroNeek recipes.

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